Reading the Psalms with Luther is a wonderful book that tells you a little about each Psalm and includes prayers to accompany them.
From Concordia Publishing House:
"This is an English translation of Luther's Summaries of the Psalms, 1531 which was originally done in 1993. This latest edition includes the ESV translation of the Psalms, Luther's introductions to each of the 150 psalms and a suggested schedule for reading the Psalter.
The introductions demonstrate how Luther understood the Psalter as a Christ-centered book and how he used the psalms as the model for Christian prayer. Luther classifies each psalm as a psalm of prophecy, instruction, comfort, prayer, or thanksgiving and applies the message of the text to the life lived out under the cross. Luther also connects the psalms to the Ten Commandments and the petitions of the Lord's Prayer. For Luther, all aspects of the Christian's life, including the Psalms, relate to Christ and His Gospel of forgiveness, life, and salvation."
One of the prayers for Psalm 139:
One of the prayers for Psalm 139:
To You, O God, belong praise and glory for Your wonderful providence, that You are present with all Your creatures, and preserve them in their being. Teach us to remember at all times and all places that Your eyes are upon us, and that all our deeds are recorded in Your book. Blot out the sins that are past with the blood of Christ, and cause us to walk in Your fear, and to avoid sin. Amen
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